Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Eggs Why

The wife, if you haven't heard already is pregnant. Just passed the first trimester, in fact. We were together at the ultrasound doing a genetic mutation test when the doctor asked us if we wanted her to take a stab at the baby's sex.

We'd decided as soon as we found out about the pregnancy that we would find out the sex of the baby pre-delivery. We'd rather be prepared then surprised. Besides, all that really matters is that the baby has ten fingers and ten toes, right?

Every time I bring up pregnancy to anyone, that statement comes up. "Ten fingers and Ten toes!" Honestly, who cares. If I found out the baby was only going to have 9 toes, I'm pretty sure I could handle it. I'm much more worried about the important stuff. You know, kidneys, heart, lungs. Missing a lower intestine is probably a bigger deal then missing a digit.

Luckily for us, all the important stuff is there. Heart is beating away, spine is coming in nicely. When the doctor first put the ultrasound on the wife's tummy, we saw the baby dancing away, turning, flailing about. Very cool stuff. However, when it came time to measure the all important neck flap, (apparently, you measure the neck flap for pre-natal diseases, who knew?) the baby decided to lie perfectly flat on it's back. All the poking and prodding wasn't encouraging the baby to turn on its side so we could view the neck flap. It was being stubborn. I started to get a funny feeling.

You have to understand, in the Howland family, all the men turn into self destructive idiots from about age 15 till 22. It's in our genes. I went nuts from 15 till 22, my father did, as did his. John Howland, one of the original pilgrims, was saved after he went overboard on the Mayflower on the voyage over. He was 20 at the time. John Howland was the only person that went overboard on the voyage. Coincidence, I think not. Just the male Howland gene doin' its thang.

So when I found out we were having a baby, I was leaning towards girl. Not because I wanted or preferred a girl. I just know what male Howlands are like. I figured a girl at least has a shot of coming out normal and well adjusted. My sister is a wonderful person!

To a person, I was vigorously disagreed with. Everyone thinks we're having a boy. My father especially was rooting for a boy. He called it payback.

Back in the Ultrasound room, the baby, after much pleading and prodding turned on its side. (I may have yelled at Jen's uterus at one point, I figured the baby might as well get used to it.) Luckily, the neck flap was fine and all signs point to a very healthy, happy baby.

A healthy baby Boy, that is. My father wins again. Jen and I are doomed. I wish my unborn child well. He has about 15 years and 6 months till it all goes to hell.

I'm blaming Jenny. Yeah, I know its the individual sperm that determines sex. I figured Jen's egg would have been smart enough to move out of the way when a male was coming down the chute.


Anonymous said...

As disturbed as I am regarding you becoming a father, I still offer you congratulations and I really enjoyed reading this entry.

Seems like only yesterday that you were doing 3-point turns in the middle of afternoon traffic and throwing tacos at me. Are you really out of this phase?

Mike said...

I still throw tacos at you. While you sleep.

ab said...

Well, the naming begins... any thoughts yet? I was thinking "Viggo."

Michael said...

I linked to you. Now please, end your campaign of lame, unfunny comments.

As for the name of your progeny, Chipwich.

Unknown said...

They might as well just skip the pomp and circumstance and name the kid "You're grounded." It'll be a time saver really.

And Mike...congrats! I've already begun shopping.

ab said...

Heh... Viggo Chipwich Howland. Got a nice ring to it.